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Family Chiropractor

Benefits of a Family Chiropractor

When you think of chiropractic care, you may think of an adult getting an adjustment. While this is a key part of chiropractic care, the entire family can benefit from visiting a chiropractor. At Valdosta Chiropractic and Rehab in Valdosta, Georgia, Dr. Lacie Guy offers treatment options for the whole family.

Treating Babies and Seniors

There are a few common misconceptions about seniors and babies. First, there is a belief that they are too fragile to benefit from chiropractic care. The techniques used for babies and seniors are safe and gentle. Chiropractors are trained in how to treat them properly.

Second, there is a belief that certain problems are natural for babies and seniors. Baby colic and acid reflux is often accepted as something that happens, without a treatable cause. For seniors, insomnia, pain, and loss of balance are part of the aging process that just must be coped with. These problems are often treatable with chiropractic care.

Family Chiropractor Benefits

There are benefits of having one chiropractor for the entire family. Trust is built with each visit. You learn their style, and what to expect at visits. They will understand family history as well as the specific challenges faced by the family. It can also provide convenience, allowing the entire family to be seen if needed, instead of separate trips for each family member.

Babies can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Birth, whether vaginal or c-section, often results in a cervical subluxation. This can be due to contractions or the birth itself. Put into simple terms, 99% of babies have a misalignment that can be corrected with chiropractic care.

Signs a baby needs an alignment include:

  • Constipation
  • Gas or colic
  • Acid reflux
  • Difficulty latching
  • Ear infections

There are a wide range of chiropractic benefits for seniors as well. It can relieve back pain, and reduces the occurrence of arthritis. One study found that 44% of seniors who visit a chiropractor regularly had arthritis, compared to 66% of seniors who didn't see a chiropractor.

Another study followed seniors for three years. In the chiropractic group, less than 5% were living in a nursing home after 3 years. In the non-chiropractic group, 48% were residing in a nursing home.

Call Valdosta Chiropractic Today!

At Valdosta Chiropractic and Rehab in Valdosta, Georgia, Dr. Lacie Guy has the experience and training needed to provide chiropractic care for your entire family. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your family.